I'm working overtime to get a bunch of games played before September. In case you didn't know, it's going to be another amazing fourth quarter in the gaming industry (soooo many good games again this Christmas). If you have a game on your wish list most likely it is coming out, sort of like last years amazing end-of-year. Spore, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Viva Pinata 2, Banjo/Kazooie 3, Little Big Planet, the list goes on.
So here is what I am playing right now on my various systems (I am REALLY A.D.D. when it comes to gaming and I rotate games constantly):
Wii: Mario Kart Wii, because I have some tough competition coming up when I see my dad next time (got him a wii for Christmas, he is becoming a Mario Kart guru swiftly)
PS3: Drakes Fortune... if you ever liked Indiana Jones this is as close as you can get to having a similar grave-robbing/bad-guy killing third-person fiesta.
PS2: Metal Gear Solid. It's really hard going back and playing MGS 1 on a PS2, because the graphics have not dated well. I am hoping to play MGS1-3 before #4.
XB360: Half Life 2. I feel bad that I never actually beat this game and given the amount of love good gamers give it I had to dig in.
DS: The World Ends with You. This psychotic DS RPG from the creator of Kingdom Hearts is a lot of fun, if not totally confusing and crazy at the same time.
PSP: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. I play this only when I travel, but it's a lot of fun. It takes hours to beat each battle and seriously, I doubt I will finish this game this year.
Mac: Peggle. OH geez, Peggle is the most addicting casual game I have ever played. Nice job Pop-cap.
You are a fiend.